MS AppCenter Migration Guide: Exploring Bitrise as an Alternative

Igor AsharenkovMay 11, 2024


MS AppCenter migration. Bitrise

In the previous post, we discussed what CI/CD is and its role in modern mobile development in detail. In this one, we will examine one of AppCenter's competitors, Bitrise, in detail.

Bitrise has been on the market for a long time and was initially our primary CI/CD tool at AppSpector.

To be honest, Bitrise never had a large set of features for application delivery; it was always a CI platform. However, in the past couple of years, features related to build delivery have been developing. Whether this is related to the closure of AppCenter, I'm not sure. Nonetheless,

Bitrise now offers similar functionality, making it a full-fledged competitor to AppCenter and a potential replacement when AppCenter shuts down in 2025.

Bitrise focuses exclusively on mobile CI/CD, providing a wide range of integrations and a robust ecosystem tailored for mobile developers.

This post will compare AppCenter and Bitrise on various parameters to help you choose the best tool for your needs.

Feature Comparison

Detailed Analysis

1. Supported Platforms

AppCenter: Supports a wide range of platforms, including Xamarin and UWP, making it ideal for developers using Microsoft's ecosystem.

Bitrise: Supports more diverse mobile platforms, including Flutter and Ionic, which can be a significant advantage for cross-platform mobile developers.

2. Build Configuration

Both platforms offer YAML and visual editor options. AppCenter's visual editor is straightforward and user-friendly, while Bitrise provides a more detailed and flexible configuration setup.

3. Integration

AppCenter integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft services like Azure DevOps. This makes it a go-to for teams already invested in Microsoft's ecosystem.

Bitrise offers a wider range of integrations, including numerous third-party services, which can be crucial for teams using a variety of tools.

4. Testing Frameworks

Both platforms support popular testing frameworks. However, Bitrise has a slight edge with support for Detox, which is essential for React Native applications.

5. Deployment Options

AppCenter provides robust deployment options, including custom configurations.

Bitrise offers more extensive deployment options, integrating with various third-party services and allowing for more flexible notifications and distribution methods.

6. Monitoring & Analytics

AppCenter includes integrated crash reporting and analytics, giving developers insights into app performance and user behavior.

Bitrise offers basic analytics but lacks the depth of AppCenter's monitoring tools.

7. Pricing

Both platforms offer free tiers, but the cost can vary significantly based on usage. AppCenter uses a pay-as-you-go model, which can be more cost-effective for smaller teams or projects with fluctuating needs. Bitrise uses a subscription-based model, which can be better for teams needing predictable costs.

8. Support

AppCenter benefits from Microsoft's robust support infrastructure, including extensive documentation and community forums.

Bitrise offers community support and has premium support options, which can be beneficial for teams needing dedicated assistance.


By the way, if you’re involved in a distributed mobile app development team managing remote devices, take a moment to explore AppSpector. Our tool enables your team to debug apps remotely and in real-time, streamlining your development process significantly.

Learn more about how AppSpector can enhance your debugging efforts.



Bitrise excels with its extensive integrations, diverse platform support, and flexible deployment options, making it the best choice for teams working across various mobile technologies and requiring comprehensive third-party tool integration.

Evaluate your project needs, existing toolchain, and budget. Opt for Bitrise if you need a flexible, mobile-focused CI/CD solution with extensive integration capabilities. However, if you are embedded in the Microsoft ecosystem or require robust analytics and crash reporting, Bitrise may not be the best choice for you.

In the next posts, we'll explore other services and compare them to AppCenter. Stay tuned!


About Us

AppSpector is remote debugging and introspection tool for iOS and Android applications. With AppSpector you can debug your app running in the same room or on another continent. You can measure app performance, view CoreData and SQLite content, logs, network requests and many more in realtime. Just like you we have been struggling for years trying to find stupid mistakes and dreaming of a better native tools, finally we decided to build them. This is the instrument that you’ve been looking for.