How to Debug Mobile Applicationsโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟโโโ๏ปฟโโโโโโโ๏ปฟ๏ปฟโ Remotely
Developers face many challenges when addressing bugs that occur under diverse and unpredictable conditions. This article will deliver the best methods of how to remotely debug...Feature Highlight: Remote Logging with AppSpector
The log monitor is a simple yet powerful tool. It's a mechanism that gathers all output of your app and sends it to the AppSpector backend.Product Deep Dive: Understanding the AppSpector iOS SDK
Developer tools are an essential part of an engineer's toolkit, allowing you to identify and fix bugs in your code quickly and efficiently. Tools you use...AppCenter
This blog post series delves into the impending closure of AppCenter, a crucial CI/CD tool for mobile app development, reflecting on its inception as a garage...Comparing MS AppCenter and AppCircle: An Alternative for Mobile Developers
Microsoft's AppCenter closing soon, discover why AppCircle is a reliable alternative for mobile developers and engineering managers. This blog post compares features, deployment, crash reporting, analytics,...Core Dumping for fun and profit
The modern iOS developer has access to an array of tools. Starting with Apple's Xcode and Instruments, extending to various third-party tools like Crashlytics or Sentry....MS AppCenter Migration Guide: Exploring Bitrise as an Alternative
In the previous post, we discussed what CI/CD is and its role in modern mobile development in detail. In this one, we will examine one of...Navigating the Maze of Mobile Development: Making Informed Decisions on Technologies and Tools
Navigate mobile development with informed decisions. Explore risks, pricing, open-source implications, adoption time, and support levels.iOS Debugging Solutions
Comparison that delves into leading iOS app debugging and introspection tools, offering insights to developers for enhancing their workflow and ensuring high-quality app deliveryiOS SDK Unit testing
Unit testing keeps being a contentious topic within the iOS development community. While most developers agree why and how to write tests, the reality is many...Building custom Xcode Instrument Packages
At AppSpector, we often debug client applications with our integrated tools and, naturally, our code, including the core partโโโmobile SDKs. We have always embraced various tools...Building custom Xcode Instrument packages (XML strikes back)
Not long ago, I started working with custom Instrument packages. I was excited after Apple WWDC session 410 last year and thought it would be great...How to improve MessagePack JavaScript decoder speed by 2.6x
What's MessagePack? It's like JSON, but fast and small. It can improve your application performance and save traffic. You can encode additional data types like binary...How to use streaming parsing in JavaScript
The page-loading process consists of many steps bound to network throughput and processing speed at the code level. You can affect the time required to download...XCFrameworks Internals: A container for iOS frameworks
This year at WWDC, Apple introduced a new code distribution format โ XCFrameworks. As SDK developers, we were excited about this news. Distributing your code as...AppSpector News: Flutter and Encryption
We are thrilled to announce that AppSpector now supports the Flutter platform. We've been working hard to integrate our SDK into the Flutter framework and make...WWDC Review: How to use URLSessionWebSocketTask in Swift
With the latest updates from WWDC 2019, WebSocket is now a first-class citizen in iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS. With iOS 13, Apple introduced URLSessionWebSocketTask, designed...How to port your iPad app to Mac using Catalyst
Let me tell you; I was super excited when I saw the first Marzipan presentation, and who wasnโt? We could finally make Mac apps without rewriting...MetricKit Internals: Insights into your iOS app performance
At AppSpector, weโve spent some time playing with all of the stuff Apple has presented at the WWDC. This blog will look at MetricKit and the...Actix-Web in Docker: How to Build Small and Secure Images
At AppSpector, we recently deployed our first Rust service to production. Actix-Web and Rust were a pleasure to work with, but the Docker image-building process can...Mastering Mobile App Remote Debugging: Essential Techniques for iOS and Android
Discover the key to efficient mobile app remote debugging for iOS and Android. Learn about common challenges, essential tools, and how AppSpector can streamline your debugging...Debugging iPhone Apps Remotely: The Necessity of Modern Tools
Discover how AppSpectorโs suite of debugging tools can enhance your mobile app development process. Gain real-time insights with features like Performance Monitor, Network Monitor, Logs Monitor,...Scaling Mobile Applications: Challenges and Solutions for Optimal Performance
Explore the key challenges in scaling mobile applications, including performance bottlenecks, security, user experience, and team coordination. Learn about effective strategies and tools like AppSpector to...Top 5 Non-AI Best Tools for Developers in 2024 to Increase Productivity
Discover the top 5 non-AI tools for developers in 2024: IntelliJ IDEA, Postman, GitKraken, VS Code, and AppSpector. Boost your productivity with these essential tools.Boosting Team Productivity for Engineering Managers and CTOs
Boosting Team Productivity: Essential Tools and Strategies for Engineering ManagersMaster Mobile App Development with Real-Time Network Traffic Monitoring
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Discover how AppSpector's application performance monitoring tools provide real-time insights into CPU, memory, network, and battery usage, ensuring optimal app performanceWWDC 2024: What to Expect from Appleโs Biggest Event of the Year
Discover what to expect from Appleโs WWDC 2024, including major updates in iOS 18, macOS 15, and AI enhancements. Stay informed with our detailed previewEnhance Mobile App Development with AppSpector's Real-Time Log Monitoring Tools
Discover how AppSpector's log analysis tools provide real-time insights into your app's performance, improving debugging processes and team productivityNative vs. Cross-Platform Development: Making the Right Choice for Your Mobile App
This article explores the key considerations when choosing between native and cross-platform development for your mobile app. It dives into the pros and cons of each...2024 Engineering Managerโs Secret Weapon: Boosting Team Productivity with AppSpector
Discover how AppSpector can cut your app's time to market in half by reducing debugging time. Learn how engineering managers use AppSpector's advanced features for real-time...Optimize CoreData Management with AppSpector's Real-Time CoreData Monitoring Tools
Discover how AppSpector's CoreData performance monitoring and data inspection tools provide real-time insights into your app's data operations, improving debugging and optimizationOptimize Mobile App Performance with AppSpector's Real-Time SQLite Monitoring Tools
Discover how AppSpector's SQLite performance monitoring and query tracking tools provide real-time insights into your app's database operations, improving debugging and optimization.Overcoming Challenges in POS Systems with AppSpector: Real-Time Debugging and Performance Optimization
Discover how AppSpector addresses real-time POS system debugging, performance optimization, and developer productivity with comprehensive monitoring toolsBest Mobile App Debugging Tools for Engineering Managers: Why AppSpector Stands Out
Discover the best debugging tools for mobile app development. Learn about Charles Proxy, Instabug, Embrace, Bugfender, BrowserStack,, Flipper,, HttpWatch, Bugsee, and AppSpectorMaximize Mobile App Debugging with Android Studio and AppSpector
Discover how combining Android Studio and AppSpector can streamline mobile app development and debugging. Learn best practices, benefits, and real-world success stories to enhance your app's...Overcoming Challenges in Tracking Data on Remote Devices for Fintech and Crypto Mobile Apps
Discover how fintech and crypto companies can tackle mobile app bug tracking and performance monitoring challenges with AppSpector's advanced toolsEffective Debugging of Android Applications: Advanced Techniques for Remote Debugging
Discover advanced techniques for remote debugging of Android apps. Learn how to overcome challenges with tools like AppSpector for real-time insights and enhanced performanceAdvanced Techniques for Debugging iOS Remotely
Explore advanced techniques for iOS remote debugging. Learn how to overcome challenges with tools like AppSpector for real-time insights and enhanced performanceStreamline Your App Development with AppSpector's File System Monitor
Discover how AppSpector's File System Monitor helps you manage app files remotely, providing access to internal storage on Android and iOS. Enhance your development workflow today.Best Ways to Help Your Team Make App Releases on Time
Discover how to help your team make app releases on time with powerful tools like AppSpector. Learn about remote debugging, task tracking, and AI tools to...Overview of Tools for Debugging Flutter Applications
Discover essential tools for debugging Flutter applications, including remote debugging, encryption, CoreData, and how AppSpector integrates to streamline the processTackling the Challenges of Remote Debugging for Mobile App Developers
Discover how AppSpector can revolutionize remote debugging for iOS and Android applications, providing comprehensive context and advanced features to solve complex issuesEnhancing Xcode Debugging with AppSpector
Discover how AppSpector enhances Xcode debugging with detailed data collection, real-time remote debugging, and comprehensive insights. Perfect for solving non-trivial issues in iOS developmentExploring Alternatives to Sentry: Why AppSpector Should Be on Your Radar
Looking for alternatives to Sentry? Discover how AppSpector complements Sentry by providing more context and solving non-trivial issues for mobile app debuggingAdvanced Debugging Strategies: How to Debug iOS and Android Apps with the Perfect Addition to Charles
Looking for "Charles vs" alternatives? Discover how AppSpector complements Charles with deeper insights, advanced bug tracking, and remote debugging capabilities.AppSpector: The Latest Trends in Debugging โ Lead the Way
Stay ahead in mobile app development with AppSpector, the trendsetter in debugging tools. Discover how AppSpectorโs advanced monitors can enhance your debugging process and keep you...The latest trends in debugging โ The perfect add-on to your toolkit
Discover how AppSpector enhances your existing debugging tools like Sentry, Charles, and Instabug. Gain deeper insights and solve complex issues with AppSpectorUnlocking the Future of Debugging: How AppSpector Enhances Mobile Development
Discover how AppSpector takes mobile app debugging to the next level with real-time insights and comprehensive monitoring, helping developers solve complex issues and stay on track...Elevating Quality Assurance with AppSpector: A New Generation Tool for Test Engineers
Learn how AppSpector empowers test engineers with remote debugging capabilities. Discover how this tool complements the latest QA automation tools to enhance quality assurance.Enhancing QA processes with AppSpector: A deep dive into effective bug tracking
Discover how AppSpector revolutionizes QA processes by providing real-time insights for effective bug tracking. Learn how this tool complements existing QA automation tools in solving complex...From bugs to beers: how bug tracking software helped Michael save his Friday night
Discover how Michael used AppSpector, the latest in bug testing tools and bug tracking software, to resolve complex mobile app issues swiftly and save his Friday...Unlocking the Power of AppSpector's User Defaults Monitor: A Game-Changer in Bug Tracking Software
Discover how AppSpector's User Defaults Monitor transforms bug tracking software. Learn how this tool enhances bug testing tools and software for bug tracking in iOS development.Revolutionizing quality assurance testing with AppSpector: A new companion for QA engineers
Discover how AppSpector revolutionizes quality assurance testing. Learn how QA engineers like Liam use this tool as a companion to traditional bug management software and tools...Isn't it better to play your favorite game than to catch bugs? File System Monitor saves hours of debugging
Discover how AppSpector's file system monitor, a powerful file monitoring system and system management tool, helps developers save hours on debugging. Learn how it complements software...Unlocking advanced debugging: using AppSpector's Command monitor for QA and developers
Discover how to debug iOS applications efficiently with AppSpector's Command monitor. Learn how QA testing tools like AppSpector can save hours on debugging and boost productivity...Unlocking remote debugging on Android and iOS with AppSpector's Notification Center monitor
Learn how AppSpector's Notification Center monitor enhances remote debugging on Android and iOS. Discover how QA engineers and developers can master complex debugging tasksA high-level review of Bugfender
Discover how AppSpector and Bugfender complement each other to provide a comprehensive mobile app debugging solution. Learn why AppSpector isn't just another Bugfender competitor but a...